The cluster has organized its activities into two divisions: on one side, the Academic Technology Platform for students, teachers, partner institutions and laboratories, and on the other, the Technical Innovation Center responsible for technological transfers to economic actors.


Networks - 26/07/2024

Networks - 26/07/2024

Appel à contributions ouvert jusqu'au 15/01/2025, appel à sponsoring et inscriptions ici: https://s-mart2025.sciencesconf.org/

Networks - 25/06/2024

Networks - 25/06/2024

Bras robotique humanoïde, éolienne en kit, combinaison aquatique futuriste... Découvrez 40 projets étudiants innovants à travers une exposition interactive de 1500m² de maquettes et de prototypes.

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Meca3D - 16/03/2024

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